Q: Why is it important to monitor body fat percentage?
A: Measuring weight alone is not a completely accurate assessment of health or fitness because it doesn't distinguish weight that come from fat and weight that come from lean muscle mass. Everyone needs some body fat, but too much fat results in obesity--one of the most important public health issues in India


Q: Is it possible to have too little body fat?
A: Yes. Both extremes--too much or too little body fat--put an individual at risk for serious medical and/or psychological conditions. Having a very low body fat percentage, particularly for women, can result in musculoskeletal problems and osteoporosis. And it can upset the hormonal balance causing loss of menstruation. Striving for extremely low body fat can also result in severe eating disorders.


Q: What is BIA Technology?
A; Bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) uses a very small electrical signal to measure body resistance. The signal is conducted through the water contained in the body. Lean muscle has much more water than fat tissue and allows the signal to pass easily. Fat causes impedance or resistance to the signal. This method of body fat analysis is very accurate and easy to use


Q: Why does my body fat percent fluctuate?
 A: Changes in hydration levels can affect readings. If your body is dehydrated, you will likely experience a higher than normal reading. If you are over-hydrated, you could experience a slightly lower reading. To obtain the greatest accuracy and repeatability from our product, the following points are suggested:

  • Take readings at least 3 hours after rising, eating a large meal, or exercising.
  • Take readings once a week at the same time of day under the same conditions. (Note: Taking readings more than once per week is not beneficial since body fat does not change from day to day.)
  • Average your readings for the month.
  • Compare averages from month to month.

By following this format, hydration fluctuations throughout the month will average out, and you will be able to better assess any real change in your body fat percentage over time.


Q: Are there people for whom the monitor is not appropriate?
 A: People with pacemakers are advised not to use body fat monitors. Although there are no known health risks, this is a precaution that is advocated by all manufacturers of BIA. Accuracy is an issue for certain categories of people, but the units may still be used to monitor trends and accurately show degree of change. They include:

  • Pregnant women
  • People who exceed the weight capacity of the scale (models vary) and/or exceed 75% body fat
  • Professional athletes and bodybuilders.

Q: Why are pregnant women advised not to use Body Fat Monitors? 

A: There is no known health risks associated with pregnant woman using Body Fat Monitor. Since research has not been done on this population extensively we advise women who are pregnant to use the Body Fat Monitors for weight purposes only. Since there are dynamic physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, a pregnant woman cannot expect an accurate body fat reading. Since obtaining an accurate reading during pregnancy is not possible, it would not be recommended to monitor your body fat until after delivery.


Q: Why is there an "Error" reading in the display?
 A: Hydration fluctuations may result from alcohol or food consumption, sleep, intense exercise, medication or pre-menstruation.

  • A very full bladder.
  • Severe cracked heels or soles of feet
  • Unclean foot pads may interfere with conductivity.